HyperKnowledge/ MMM components
Marc-Antoine Parent
July 7th 2022
Work within a domain application
- Local concept data, connected to domain data.
- Local concepts use any model, expose local Ids.
- Domain-specific view of domain concepts
Connect domain applications through hub
- Abstract KHub model for many concept models
- Unification can use NLP or Humans. Contestable.
- Domain application links to community graph view
Concept Identification
… in external domain data & concept descriptions.
- Contestable suggestions by machine or humans
- Embed a domain view in the KHub interface
- Embed KHub views in the Domain applications
- Text view with embedded concepts
Concept Unification as a Service
KHub federation
- Federated queries on KHubs
- Negotiate global identifiers (→ Canonicalization)
Socio-Epistemic federation
- Epistemic status simple in community
- Eg: research question vs provisional truth
- Federated status: Is statement contested? etc.
Unification Reputation mechanisms
Reputation for sensible distinctions (≠truth!)
Subscription mechanisms
- KHub concept sub → Live views in Domain Apps
- Federation sub → Live KHubs (wrt center)
- Domain app sub → Live KHubs (wrt periphery)
Short term
- Domain-specific concept UX
- Abstract concept model (Topic Maps)
- Contestable Concept unification model
- Build the KHub accordingly
- View of community concepts
- Basic unification/distinction UX
- Links from domain application
- Identify concepts within domain objects
- Local epistemic status
- Transclusion in domain app
- Improve local map for community embedding
- Improve unification UX
- Experiments with NLP unification
- Unification validation by humans
Long term
- Federated queries between KHubs
- Global Concept Identifiers by contagion
- Canonicalization
- Epistemic federation
- Unification reputation
- Epistemic reputation