HyperKnowledge seminar 3
Marc-Antoine Parent
November 19th, 2021
Entities and Relations (from seminar 2)
- Fragments (Symbols in context) are interpreted as Concept representations
- Concept representations are deemed equivalent
- Concepts as equivalence class. (Materialized?)
- Concepts (representations?) are named using many Symbols
- In a Perspective, we can choose an unambiguous representative Symbol for a Concept
- Statements (complex concepts) reference Entities
- Concepts are separated by distinctions, joined by abstraction
- Refinement of successive concept representations
Immutables and identity
Recursivity means giving a locator to every entity at any level.
- Stable identifiers for immutable data
- Aim to reuse IPLD work, but should accept other content-addressable ID
Topics, Raw Symbols and Structures
Enriched symbols
- Structures are meaningless without a schema
- Think of JSON-LD context as an example
- Likely to build on other schema languages
- Natural language strings are meaningless without a language identifier
Annotated Symbols and Structures
Symbols usually come from documents
- Document fragments follow Web Annotation standard
- Data fragments?
Concept representations
- Concept representations can be any structure, following any schemas
- Concept representations are not Concepts, but concept proxies, as are names
- We want to express Claims and Definitions
- Concept representations form a DAG
- Interpretation and Distinction are Claims
- Note that concept representations are immutable
- We allow arbitrary identifiers to name non-immutable topics.
- URN, URL and LanguageSymbols are explicitly allowed
- Such identifiers may be ambiguous, but that’s for the next slide
- Mutability can take the form of document locators or event sourcing
- It should be possible to translate between the two
Mutable topics
- Materialize a set of accepted claims as a Perspective
- Each ConceptRepresentation has a history of (accepted) Replacement proposals
- This gives rise to a tree of Replacements for any ConceptRepresentation
- Replacements form a general graph globally, but accepted Replacements within a Perspective must form a tree
- Forkpoints are materialized (locally?). They may correspond to a valid abstraction.
- Leaves of that tree, and valid abstractions, are deemed valid concepts within that perspective.
Concept equivalence
- Explicit equivalence relation
- Generates (perspective-local) materialized equivalence classes
- Within a perspective, enforce coherence with Distinctions and Replacements
- Naming diversity
Concept equivalence